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Lower Case Switcher Serial Season

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by misswealodys1987 2020. 2. 20. 05:13


Richard Petrone Jr. And his friend, Danielle (Ottobre) Imbo, were last seen around 11:45 pm on Saturday, Feb. 19, 2005 leaving Abilene’s bar at 429 South Street in Philadelphia, where they met with some friends. They were heading for Richard’s 2001 black Dodge Dakota pickup truck, PA license plate # YFH-2319 parked in the neighborhood.Richard, Danielle, or the truck haven’t been seen since and there have been no traces or clues as to their whereabouts.They planned to spend the night at Danielle’s house in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. The next day, Richard was to come back to his apartment on Snyder Avenue near 16th Street in South Philadelphia to watch the Daytona 500.

No one knows if the couple ever made it to Danielle’s house Saturday night.Richard was 35 years old, 5 feet 9 inches tall, 200 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes. He had an “Angela” tattoo on his left arm and clowns on his right arm. Richard was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers. Danielle was 5 feet 5 inches tall, 117 pounds, with hazel eyes, fair skin and brown hair.

She had a tattoo of flowers on her lower back. She was wearing a black jacket, cream-colored sweater and blue jeans.Richard worked with his father at Viking Pastries, the family-owned bakery in Ardmore, PA. He had been working there since he graduated high school.

He used to live in Ardmore but moved to South Philadelphia to be near Angela, his then 14 year-old daughter. Danielle on the other hand had a 1 1/2 year old son. Both Richard and Danielle knew each other since they were 15 years old.Petrone and his girlfriend, Danielle Imbo, were last seen at Abilene’s (sometime’s spelled “Abeline’s” or “Abiline’s”), a bar and restaurant in the 400 block of South Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on February 19, 2005.They had drinks with friends at the establishment before leaving between 11:30 and 11:45 p.m.; they stated they were going to Imbo’s home in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Neither of them have been heard from again.

Their friends stated that both of them behaved normally and seemed happy that evening.Petrone’s vehicle is also missing: it’s a black and silver four-door 2001 Dodge Dakota or Dodge Ram pickup truck with the Pennsylvania license plate number YFH2319 and possibly a NASCAR #99 sticker in the rear window. Photographs of the truck and license plate are posted with this case summary.Neither Imbo nor Petrone have accessed their bank accounts or used their credit cards or EZ-Pass cards since they went missing.

Their cellular phones have stayed turned off.Petrone and Imbo have one child each; Imbo has a toddler son and Petrone has a teenage daughter. Their loved ones stated they would never have voluntarily abandoned their families, whom they were close to. The couple knew each other in high school and began dating ten months before their disappearances after they separated from their respective partners.Both Petrone, then 35, and Imbo, then 34, were described as dedicated parents with nothing in their lifestyle that would suggest they could be targets of foul play.Authorities have questioned associates of both people. Petrone and Imbo’s estranged husband had allegedly exchanged threats with one another over the telephone and Imbo had made multiple failed attempts to reconcile with her husband, who was involved with another woman.Shortly before she disappeared, Imbo told her husband and Petrone that she wanted “space” from both of them; she was reportedly considering ending her relationship with Petrone altogether.

Their loved ones believe foul play was involved in their cases, and both families have accused members of the other family of causing their disappearances.Investigators stated that very little evidence is available to indicate what happened to Petrone and Imbo, but they have ruled out kidnapping and think a random act of violence is also unlikely. Their disappearances are being investigated as a double homicide, possibly a murder-for-hire.Imbo lived on Dunbarton Road in Mount Laurel in southern New Jersey in 2005; Petrone lived in South Philadelphia. Both New Jersey and Pennsylvania authorities are investigating their disappearances, which remain unsolved.Imbo was employed as a loan processor for a mortgage company at the time of her disappearance, working out of her home.There is a $50,000 reward for information leading to them or information leading to an arrest of whoever is responsible for their disappearance.The FBI says their disappearance was no accident, and not a crime of opportunity.

They say Petrone and Imbo were the victims of a professional hit job at the hands of more than one person.Christian Zajac of the FBI said the following “ This didn’t just happen. We feel this was an orchestrated act.

A 3,000 pound truck and two people do not simply go missing”The FBI has questioned Imbo’s estranged husband, Joe Imbo, many times. Just days before he vanished, Richard Petrone told his father he had angry words with Joe Imbo over the phone.Richard Petrone Sr stated the following to Action News “He said “I got, like, 25 or 30 phone calls from this kid.’ I said, ‘What did he want?' “‘He kept telling me ‘stay away from her, leave her alone, he’s her husband.”Joseph Imbo has never been named as a possible suspect, but he hasn’t been ruled out either.Leads, according to investigators, have come in from all over America, but not one has panned out. Searches of land and water have been conducted over the years, but nothing has come of them.Now i’d like to review some posts from online armchair detectives and their opinions on the disappearance of Richard Petrone and Danielle Imbo.Originaljerseygirl wrote the following on websleuths on March 7 th 2005:“Even though there are different ways to get from Philly to S.

Jersey, the only ones I can think of don’t pose that much of a danger, IMO. The entire highway area from Philly to S.

Jersey is pretty developed & very heavily traveled so I’m not sure that that would be likely.From the bar on South Street, they probably would have taken the Ben Franklin Bridge or maybe traveled I-95 North, connecting with the Betsy Ross Bridge. Actually, I don’t know that the Walt Whitman Bridge is all that far either and I’m not familiar with that route at all. But the first two bridges I mentioned don’t seem to pose much of a ‘driving off the road’ danger, and even if they did, I think someone would have spotted them by now.”I found this interesting because it comes from someone who is familiar with the area.

She also later stated the following:“Do you think it could have been a carjacking? If they would’ve taken the Walt Whitman, wouldn’t that bring them to a really confusing bunch of roads? I can’t remember, it’s been so long. I worry that perhaps they got onto a road that hooked up with 5 other roads, and they took the wrong one, finding themselves in the middle of Camden.

I’m not saying that people in Camden are all bad, not at all. But the crime rate, as you know, is very high. And it seems like there have been a lot of car-jackings lately.Hmmm there’s been a car-jacking story on the news over the past couple of days. I believe they said it was an older man driving his car. He was carjacked outside of an office building at Fellowship Road & forced to drive to an ATM. After that, they made him drive one of the highways here, (don’t remember which), and had him get off at a specific exit.


They made him get out of the car, and then they shot him. I believe that the news said that he’s still in the hospital so this has to have been somewhat recent. So guess where all this happened? This is where Danielle also lives.

Is it possible that they could even been car-jacked HERE in Mt. Laurel on their way to her house by these same guys? I hope Philly & Mt. Laurel police check it out. There are sketches of the suspects so hopefully they will catch them, and not find out that they harmed this couple as well. Since these events happened so close together, and one happened in Mt. Laurel, and the other is a woman who lives in Mt.

Laurel, I wonder if there might be a connection?”I also found this comment interesting, as I was not aware of this nor was it mentioned in the articles I read. A car jacking is possible since according to the Disappeared episode on ID there was a lot of car theft rings in the area at the time.

They would steal the vehicles and use the vehicles for parts that they would then sell on the black market.And Bobbiesangel said has the following theory:I wonder if they could have given someone a ride.someone that they ran into between the bar and his truck. I never pick up hitch hikers but some people do.

If some guy asked if they could give him a ride they could have run into big trouble. It’s also pretty easy to steal a license plate from another truckremove the origional plate and put the stolen one on and drive the truck to who knows where. A person can switch license plates in different citys and probably not get caught for quite some time.I just find it strange that the truck hasn’t surfaced somewhere.

My theory is probably way out there but anything is possible. Rich doesn’t sound like a violent person, the husband seems to have a air tight alibi and the couple haven’t shown up anywhere. It doesn’t sound like they would have just taken off.I sure hope they are found soon. This has to be pure hell for the families.I think this is a plausible theory. Any theory is plausible until law enforcement finds out what actually happened to them.Wenchie said the following:P.S. Ever since I’ve heard the entire story I’ve been certain that this wasn’t a random act. The only place they could have been carjacked was at South Street or on the way to the bridge – both crowded areas at that time on a Saturday night.Once you get to the bridge it’s open highway.If someone had been following them, there really aren’t any lonely stretches where they could have overtaken them.Maybe someone called them on a cell and lured them somewhere?I think this is an interesting post since it really zooms in on the areas where Richard and Danielle may have been carjacked, if that was what happened.

After the bridge it’s basically highway, but I’m not sold on the fact that they even made it past the bridge. I’ll explain a bit later.Originaljerseygirl also said the following:Weather Underground: HistoryAbout 29 degrees between 10:54 and 11:54 P.M.

I don’t think there would have been many people on South Street in that temperature.Now I’m assuming that’s 29 degrees Fahrenheit, so that means it was close to -2 Celsius that night, in other words below freezing temperatures. If that is the case, if, and I know this is disturbing to say but If they were murdered and their bodies were disposed in the Delaware River, their bodies would not have floated to the surface right away.

Below freezing temperatures means they would have froze and sank to the bottom of the river and have been moved by the current. Also one thing I found strange is that law enforcement and the fbi only checked the Delaware River but never checked the Schuylkill River in the opposite direction. Lets say for example that the event took place near the Abilene’s, it’s entirely possible that the people involved in their disappearance drove in the opposite direction to dispose of the bodies and the vehicle. Why would you hide the bodies in the same area where you know the victims were heading? I don’t understand why LE and the FBI haven’t checked the opposite direction and the Schuylkill River.Now Wenchie also wrote the following:I don’t believe that in the entire history of Philadelphia, there has ever been a case of someone accidently submerging their auto from one of the streets in that area. Beside the fact that none of the streets are that close – the water is so shallow that it just doesn’t seem possible.I know the Pine Barrens pretty well, and have done a lot of exploring and canoeing there.

For example, suppose a page looked at its URL's query string to determine what to display,and the site then redirected the user to that page to display a message, as in: Say Hello Say Welcome Say Kittens If the message was just displayed to the user without escaping, a hostile attacker couldthen craft a URL that contained a script element: the attacker then convinced a victim user to visit this page, a script of the attacker'schoosing would run on the page. Such a script could do any number of hostile actions, limitedonly by what the site offers: if the site is an e-commerce shop, for instance, such a scriptcould cause the user to unknowingly make arbitrarily many unwanted purchases.This is called a cross-site scripting attack.There are many constructs that can be used to try to trick a site into executing code. Hereare some that authors are encouraged to consider when writing safelist filters:. When allowing harmless-seeming elements like, it is important to safelistany provided attributes as well. If one allowed all attributes then an attacker could, forinstance, use the attribute to run arbitraryscript. When allowing URLs to be provided (e.g.

For links), the scheme of each URL also needs to beexplicitly safelisted, as there are many schemes that can be abused. The most prominentexample is ' ', but user agents canimplement (and indeed, have historically implemented) others. Allowing a element to be inserted means any elementsin the page with relative links can be hijacked, and similarly that any form submissions canget redirected to a hostile site. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)If a site allows a user to make form submissions with user-specific side-effects, for exampleposting messages on a forum under the user's name, making purchases, or applying for a passport,it is important to verify that the request was made by the user intentionally, rather than byanother site tricking the user into making the request unknowingly.This problem exists because HTML forms can be submitted to other origins.Sites can prevent such attacks by populating forms with user-specific hidden tokens, or bychecking ` ` headers on all requests.

ClickjackingA page that provides users with an interface to perform actions that the user might not wishto perform needs to be designed so as to avoid the possibility that users can be tricked intoactivating the interface.One way that a user could be so tricked is if a hostile site places the victim site in asmall and then convinces the user to click, for instance by having the userplay a reaction game. Once the user is playing the game, the hostile site can quickly positionthe iframe under the mouse cursor just as the user is about to click, thus tricking the userinto clicking the victim site's interface.To avoid this, sites that do not expect to be used in frames are encouraged to only enabletheir interface if they detect that they are not in a frame (e.g.

Lower case switcher serial season 4

By comparing the object to the value of theattribute). 1.11.2 Common pitfalls to avoid when using the scripting APIsThis section is non-normative.Scripts in HTML have 'run-to-completion' semantics, meaning that the browser will generally runthe script uninterrupted before doing anything else, such as firing further events or continuingto parse the document.On the other hand, parsing of HTML files happens incrementally, meaning thatthe parser can pause at any point to let scripts run.

This is generally a good thing, but it doesmean that authors need to be careful to avoid hooking event handlers after the events could havepossibly fired.There are two techniques for doing this reliably: use, or create the element and add the event handlers in the same script. The latteris safe because, as mentioned earlier, scripts are run to completion before further events canfire. One way this could manifest itself is with elements and the event. For example, the following markup fragment results in a DOM with an elementthat is an earlier sibling of the corresponding element.

Errors with optional error recoveryTo allow user agents to be used in controlled environments without having to implement themore bizarre and convoluted error handling rules, user agents are permitted to fail wheneverencountering a. Errors where the error-handling behavior is not compatible with streaming user agentsSome error-handling behavior, such as the behavior for the. Example mentioned above, are incompatible with streaminguser agents (user agents that process HTML files in one pass, without storing state). To avoidinteroperability problems with such user agents, any syntax resulting in such behavior isconsidered invalid. Errors that can result in infoset coercionWhen a user agent based on XML is connected to an HTML parser, it is possible that certaininvariants that XML enforces, such as element or attribute names never contain multiple colons,will be violated by an HTML file.

Handling this can require that the parser coerce the HTML DOMinto an XML-compatible infoset. Most syntax constructs that require such handling are consideredinvalid. (Comments containing two consecutive hyphens, or ending with a hyphen, are exceptionsthat are allowed in the HTML syntax.) Errors that result in disproportionately poor performanceCertain syntax constructs can result in disproportionately poor performance. To discourage theuse of such constructs, they are typically made non-conforming.

For example, the following markup results in poor performance, since all the unclosedelements have to be reconstructed in each paragraph, resulting in progressivelymore elements in each paragraph: She dreamt.She dreamt that she ate breakfast.Then lunch.And finally dinner.The resulting DOM for this fragment would be:.: She dreamt.: She dreamt that she ate breakfast.: Then lunch.: And finally dinner. Errors involving fragile syntax constructsThere are syntax constructs that, for historical reasons, are relatively fragile. To helpreduce the number of users who accidentally run into such problems, they are madenon-conforming. For example, the parsing of certain named character references in attributes happens evenwith the closing semicolon being omitted. For example, 'attributes' in end tags are ignored currently, but they are invalid, in case afuture change to the language makes use of that syntax feature without conflicting withalready-deployed (and valid!) content.Some authors find it helpful to be in the practice of always quoting all attributes and alwaysincluding all optional tags, preferring the consistency derived from such custom over the minorbenefits of terseness afforded by making use of the flexibility of the HTML syntax.

To aid suchauthors, conformance checkers can provide modes of operation wherein such conventions areenforced. 1.12.3 Restrictions on content models and on attribute valuesThis section is non-normative.Beyond the syntax of the language, this specification also places restrictions on how elementsand attributes can be specified. These restrictions are present for similar reasons: Errors involving content with dubious semanticsTo avoid misuse of elements with defined meanings, content models are defined that restricthow elements can be nested when such nestings would be of dubious value.For example, this specification disallows nesting aelement inside a element, since it is highly unlikely for an author to indicatethat an entire section should be keyed in.

Errors that involve a conflict in expressed semanticsSimilarly, to draw the author's attention to mistakes in the use of elements, clearcontradictions in the semantics expressed are also considered conformance errors. In the fragments below, for example, the semantics are nonsensical: a separator cannotsimultaneously be a cell, nor can a radio button be a progress bar. Another example is the restrictions on the content models of theelement, which only allows element children. Lists by definitionconsist just of zero or more list items, so if a element contains somethingother than an element, it's not clear what was meant.

Cases where the default styles are likely to lead to confusionCertain elements have default styles or behaviors that make certain combinations likely tolead to confusion. Where these have equivalent alternatives without this problem, the confusingcombinations are disallowed.For example, elements are rendered as, and elements as. Putting a in anis unnecessarily confusing; since either nesting justelements, or nesting just elements, or nesting elementsinside elements all serve the same purpose as nesting aelement in a element, but only the latter involves a inan, the latter combination is disallowed.Another example would be the way cannot benested. For example, a element cannot contain aelement. This is because the default behavior of such nesting interactive elements would behighly confusing to users. Instead of nesting these elements, they can be placed side byside.

Errors that indicate a likely misunderstanding of the specificationSometimes, something is disallowed because allowing it would likely cause authorconfusion.For example, setting theattribute to the value ' false' is disallowed, because despite theappearance of meaning that the element is enabled, it in fact means that the element isdisabled (what matters for implementations is the presence of the attribute, not itsvalue). Errors involving limits that have been imposed merely to simplify the languageSome conformance errors simplify the language that authors need to learn.For example, the element's attribute, despite accepting both and values in practice as synonyms, disallowsthe use of the value, so as to simplifytutorials and other learning aids. There would be no benefit to allowing both, but it wouldcause extra confusion when teaching the language. Errors that involve peculiarities of the parserCertain elements are parsed in somewhat eccentric ways (typically for historical reasons),and their content model restrictions are intended to avoid exposing the author to theseissues.

For example, a element isn't allowed inside,because when parsed as HTML, a element's start tag will imply aelement's end tag. Thus, the following markup results in two, not one: Welcome. Name: It is parsed exactly like the following: Welcome.

Name: Errors that would likely result in scripts failing in hard-to-debug waysSome errors are intended to help prevent script problems that would be hard to debug.This is why, for instance, it is non-conforming to have two attributes with the same value. Duplicate IDs lead to the wrongelement being selected, with sometimes disastrous effects whose cause is hard to determine. Errors that waste authoring timeSome constructs are disallowed because historically they have been the cause of a lot ofwasted authoring time, and by encouraging authors to avoid making them, authors can save time infuture efforts.For example, a element's attribute causes the element's contents to be ignored.However, this isn't obvious, especially if the element's contents appear to be executable script— which can lead to authors spending a lot of time trying to debug the inline scriptwithout realizing that it is not executing. To reduce this problem, this specification makes itnon-conforming to have executable script in a element when the attribute is present. This means that authors who arevalidating their documents are less likely to waste time with this kind of mistake.

Errors that involve areas that affect authors migrating between the HTML and XMLsyntaxesSome authors like to write files that can be interpreted as both XML and HTML with similarresults. Though this practice is discouraged in general due to the myriad of subtlecomplications involved (especially when involving scripting, styling, or any kind of automatedserialization), this specification has a few restrictions intended to at least somewhat mitigatethe difficulties. This makes it easier for authors to use this as a transitionary step whenmigrating between the HTML and XML syntaxes.For example, there are somewhat complicated rules surrounding the and attributesintended to keep the two synchronized.Another example would be the restrictions on the values of xmlns attributes in the HTML serialization, which are intended to ensure thatelements in conforming documents end up in the same namespaces whether processed as HTML orXML. Errors that involve areas reserved for future expansionAs with the restrictions on the syntax intended to allow for new syntax in future revisionsof the language, some restrictions on the content models of elements and values of attributesare intended to allow for future expansion of the HTML vocabulary.For example, limiting the values of the attribute that start with an U+005F LOW LINEcharacter to only specific predefined values allows new predefined values to be introducedat a future time without conflicting with author-defined values. Errors that indicate a mis-use of other specificationsCertain restrictions are intended to support the restrictions made by otherspecifications.For example, requiring that attributes that take media query lists use onlyvalid media query lists reinforces the importance of following the conformance rules ofthat specification. 1.13 Suggested readingThis section is non-normative.The following documents might be of interest to readers of this specification.

Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: FundamentalsThis Architectural Specification provides authors of specifications, softwaredevelopers, and content developers with a common reference for interoperable text manipulation onthe World Wide Web, building on the Universal Character Set, defined jointly by the UnicodeStandard and ISO/IEC 10646. Topics addressed include use of the terms 'character', 'encoding' and'string', a reference processing model, choice and identification of character encodings,character escaping, and string indexing.

Unicode Security ConsiderationsBecause Unicode contains such a large number of characters and incorporatesthe varied writing systems of the world, incorrect usage can expose programs or systems topossible security attacks. This is especially important as more and more products areinternationalized. This document describes some of the security considerations that programmers,system analysts, standards developers, and users should take into account, and provides specificrecommendations to reduce the risk of problems. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 covers a wide range ofrecommendations for making Web content more accessible. Following these guidelines will makecontent accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness and lowvision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limitedmovement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity and combinations of these. Following theseguidelines will also often make your Web content more usable to users ingeneral. Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0This specification provides guidelines for designing Web contentauthoring tools that are more accessible for people with disabilities.

Lower Case Switcher Serial Season 7

An authoring tool thatconforms to these guidelines will promote accessibility by providing an accessible user interfaceto authors with disabilities as well as by enabling, supporting, and promoting the production ofaccessible Web content by all authors. User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) 2.0This document provides guidelines for designing user agents thatlower barriers to Web accessibility for people with disabilities. User agents include browsersand other types of software that retrieve and render Web content. A user agent that conforms tothese guidelines will promote accessibility through its own user interface and through otherinternal facilities, including its ability to communicate with other technologies (especiallyassistive technologies). Furthermore, all users, not just users with disabilities, should findconforming user agents to be more usable. 2 Common infrastructureThis specification depends on Infra. 2.1 TerminologyThis specification refers to both HTML and XML attributes and IDL attributes, often in the samecontext.

When it is not clear which is being referred to, they are referred to as content attributes for HTML and XML attributes, and IDLattributes for those defined on IDL interfaces. Similarly, the term 'properties' is used forboth JavaScript object properties and CSS properties. When these are ambiguous they are qualifiedas object properties and CSS properties respectively.Generally, when the specification states that a feature applies toor, it also includes the other.

When a feature specifically onlyapplies to one of the two languages, it is called out by explicitly stating that it does not applyto the other format, as in 'for HTML. (this does not apply to XML)'.This specification uses the term document to refer to any use of HTML,ranging from short static documents to long essays or reports with rich multimedia, as well as tofully-fledged interactive applications. The term is used to refer both toobjects and their descendant DOM trees, and to serialized byte streams using the or the, dependingon context.In the context of the DOM structures, the terms and are used as defined inDOM, and refer specifically to two different modes that objectscan find themselves in.

(Such uses are always hyperlinked to theirdefinition.)In the context of byte streams, the term HTML document refers to resources labeled as, and the term XML document refers to resources labeled with an.For simplicity, terms such as shown, displayed, andvisible might sometimes be used when referring to the way a document isrendered to the user. These terms are not meant to imply a visual medium; they must be consideredto apply to other media in equivalent ways.

2.1.1 ParallelismTo run steps in parallel means those steps are to be run, one afteranother, at the same time as other logic in the standard (e.g., at the same time as the). This standard does not define the precise mechanism by which this isachieved, be it time-sharing cooperative multitasking, fibers, threads, processes, using differenthyperthreads, cores, CPUs, machines, etc. Imagine a standard defined nameList (a ), along with a method toadd a name to nameList, unless nameList already name, in which case it rejects.The following solution suffers from race conditions:.Let p be a new promise.Run the following steps:.If nameList name,reject p with a and abort these steps.Do some potentially lengthy work.name tonameList.Resolve p with undefined.Return p.Two invocations of the above could run simultaneously, meaning name isn't innameList during step 2.1, but it might be added before step 2.3 runs,meaning name ends up in nameList twice.Parallel queues solve this.

Lower Case Switcher Serial Season 8

The standard would let nameListQueue be the result of, then:.Let p be a new promise.to nameListQueue:.If nameList name,reject p with a and abort these steps.Do some potentially lengthy work.name tonameList.Resolve p with undefined.Return p.The steps would now queue and the race is avoided. 2.1.2 ResourcesThe specification uses the term supported when referring to whether a useragent has an implementation capable of decoding the semantics of an external resource. A format ortype is said to be supported if the implementation can process an external resource of thatformat or type without critical aspects of the resource being ignored. XML DTDs cannot express all the conformance requirements of this specification. Therefore, avalidating XML processor and a DTD cannot constitute a conformance checker.

Also, since neitherof the two authoring formats defined in this specification are applications of SGML, avalidating SGML system cannot constitute a conformance checker either.To put it another way, there are three types of conformance criteria:. Criteria that can be expressed in a DTD. Criteria that cannot be expressed by a DTD, but can still be checked by a machine.

Criteria that can only be checked by a human.A conformance checker must check for the first two. A simple DTD-based validator only checksfor the first class of errors and is therefore not a conforming conformance checker accordingto this specification. Data mining toolsApplications and tools that process HTML and XML documents for reasons other than to eitherrender the documents or check them for conformance should act in accordance with the semanticsof the documents that they process.A tool that generates butincreases the nesting level for each paragraph and does not increase the nesting level for eachsection would not be conforming. Authoring tools and markup generatorsAuthoring tools and markup generators must generate.Conformance criteria that apply to authors also apply to authoring tools, where appropriate.Authoring tools are exempt from the strict requirements of using elements only for theirspecified purpose, but only to the extent that authoring tools are not yet able to determineauthor intent. However, authoring tools must not automatically misuse elements or encouragetheir users to do so.For example, it is not conforming to use an element forarbitrary contact information; that element can only be used for marking up contact informationfor its nearest or element ancestor.

However, since anauthoring tool is likely unable to determine the difference, an authoring tool is exempt fromthat requirement. This specification relies on several other underlying specifications. For example, while strongly discouraged from doing so, an implementation could add a new IDLattribute ' typeTime' to a control that returned the time it took the userto select the current value of a control (say).


On the other hand, defining a new control thatappears in a form's array would be in violationof the above requirement, as it would violate the definition of given in this specification.When vendor-neutral extensions to this specification are needed, either this specification canbe updated accordingly, or an extension specification can be written that overrides therequirements in this specification. When someone applying this specification to their activitiesdecides that they will recognize the requirements of such an extension specification, it becomesan applicable specification for the purposesof conformance requirements in this specification.Someone could write a specification that defines any arbitrary byte stream asconforming, and then claim that their random junk is conforming.

However, that does not mean thattheir random junk actually is conforming for everyone's purposes: if someone else decides thatthat specification does not apply to their work, then they can quite legitimately say that theaforementioned random junk is just that, junk, and not conforming at all. As far as conformancegoes, what matters in a particular community is what that community agrees isapplicable.User agents must treat elements and attributes that they do not understand as semanticallyneutral; leaving them in the DOM (for DOM processors), and styling them according to CSS (for CSSprocessors), but not inferring any meaning from them.When support for a feature is disabled (e.g. As an emergency measure to mitigate a securityproblem, or to aid in development, or for performance reasons), user agents must act as if theyhad no support for the feature whatsoever, and as if the feature was not mentioned in thisspecification. For example, if a particular feature is accessed via an attribute in a Web IDLinterface, the attribute itself would be omitted from the objects that implement that interface— leaving the attribute on the object but making it return null or throw an exception isinsufficient. 2.1.11 Interactions with XPath and XSLTImplementations of XPath 1.0 that operate on parsed or created in the manners described in this specification (e.g. As part ofthe document.evaluate API) must act as if the following edit was appliedto the XPath 1.0 specification.First, remove this paragraph:A in the node test is expandedinto anusing the namespace declarations from the expression context.

This is the same way expansion isdone for element type names in start and end-tags except that the default namespace declared withxmlns is not used: if the does not have a prefix, then thenamespace URI is null (this is the same way attribute names are expanded). It is an error if thehas a prefix for which there isno namespace declaration in the expression context.Then, insert in its place the following:A QName in the node test is expanded into an expanded-name using the namespace declarationsfrom the expression context. If the QName has a prefix, then there must be a namespace declaration for this prefix inthe expression context, and the corresponding namespace URI is the one that isassociated with this prefix. It is an error if the QName has a prefix for which there is nonamespace declaration in the expression context.If the QName has no prefix and the principal node type of the axis is element, then thedefault element namespace is used.

Otherwise if the QName has no prefix, the namespace URI isnull. The default element namespace is a member of the context for the XPath expression. MDNChrome No Chrome Android No Edge No Edge Mobile? Firefox 65+ Firefox Android 65+ Internet Explorer No Opera No Opera Android No Safari No Safari iOS No Samsung Internet No WebView Android No. ' autoplay', which has a of 'self'. ' document-domain', whichhas a of.

2.4 Common microsyntaxesThere are various places in HTML that accept particular data types, such as dates or numbers.This section describes what the conformance criteria for content in those formats is, and how toparse them.Implementors are strongly urged to carefully examine any third-party librariesthey might consider using to implement the parsing of syntaxes described below. For example, datelibraries are likely to implement error handling behavior that differs from what is required inthis specification, since error-handling behavior is often not defined in specifications thatdescribe date syntaxes similar to those used in this specification, and thus implementations tendto vary greatly in how they handle errors. 2.4.1 Common parser idiomsSome of the micro-parsers described below follow the pattern of having an inputvariable that holds the string being parsed, and having a position variable pointing atthe next character to parse in input. 2.4.2 Boolean attributesA number of attributes are boolean attributes. Thepresence of a boolean attribute on an element represents the true value, and the absence of theattribute represents the false value.If the attribute is present, its value must either be the empty string or a value that is anmatch for the attribute's canonical name, with no leading ortrailing whitespace.The values 'true' and 'false' are not allowed on boolean attributes. To representa false value, the attribute has to be omitted altogether.

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Here is an example of a checkbox that is checked and disabled. The andattributes are the boolean attributes. Cheese This could be equivalently written as this: Cheese You can also mix styles; the following is still equivalent: Cheese 2.4.3 Keywords and enumerated attributesSome attributes are defined as taking one of a finite set of keywords. Such attributes arecalled enumerated attributes. The keywords are eachdefined to map to a particular state (several keywords might map to the same state, inwhich case some of the keywords are synonyms of each other; additionally, some of the keywords canbe said to be non-conforming, and are only in the specification for historical reasons). Inaddition, two default states can be given.

The first is the invalid value default, thesecond is the missing value default.If an enumerated attribute is specified, the attribute's value must be an match for one of the given keywords that are not said to benon-conforming, with no leading or trailing whitespace.When the attribute is specified, if its value is an matchfor one of the given keywords then that keyword's state is the state that the attributerepresents. If the attribute value matches none of the given keywords, but the attribute has an, then the attribute represents thatstate. Otherwise, there is no default, and invalid values mean that there is no staterepresented.When the attribute is not specified, if there is a statedefined, then that is the state represented by the (missing) attribute. Otherwise, the absence ofthe attribute means that there is no state represented.The empty string can be a valid keyword. 2.4.4 Numbers Signed integersA string is a valid integer if it consists of one or more,optionally prefixed with a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS character (-).A without a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-) prefix represents the numberthat is represented in base ten by that string of digits. Awith a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-) prefix represents the number represented in base ten bythe string of digits that follows the U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, subtracted from zero.The rules for parsing integers are as given in the following algorithm.

Wheninvoked, the steps must be followed in the order given, aborting at the first step that returns avalue. The following are some examples of dates written as. ' 0037-12-13 00:00Z' Midnight in areas using London time on the birthday of Nero (the Roman Emperor). See belowfor further discussion on which date this actually corresponds to. ' 1979-10-14T12:00:00.001-04:00' One millisecond after noon on October 14th 1979, in the time zone in use on the east coastof the USA during daylight saving time. ' 8592-01-01T02:09+02:09' Midnight UTC on the 1st of January, 8592.

The time zone associated with that time is twohours and nine minutes ahead of UTC, which is not currently a real time zone, but is nonethelessallowed.Several things are notable about these dates:. Years with fewer than four digits have to be zero-padded. The date '37-12-13' would not be avalid date. If the ' T' is replaced by a space, it must be a single spacecharacter. The string ' 2001-12-21 12:00Z' (with two spacesbetween the components) would not be parsed successfully.

To unambiguously identify a moment in time prior to the introduction of the Gregoriancalendar (insofar as moments in time before the formation of UTC can be unambiguouslyidentified), the date has to be first converted to the Gregorian calendar from the calendar inuse at the time (e.g. From the Julian calendar).

The date of Nero's birth is the 15th ofDecember 37, in the Julian Calendar, which is the 13th of December 37 in the. The time and time-zone offset components are not optional.

Dates before the year one can't be represented as a datetime in this version of HTML. Times of specific events in ancient times are, at best, approximations, since time was notwell coordinated or measured until relatively recent decades. Time-zone offsets differ based on daylight saving time.The rules to parse a global date and time string are as follows. This will returneither a time in UTC, with associated time-zone offset information for round-tripping or displaypurposes, or nothing.

If at any point the algorithm says that it 'fails', this means that it isaborted at that point and returns nothing.Let input be the string being parsed.Let position be a pointer into input, initiallypointing at the start of the string.to obtain year, month, and day. If this returns nothing, then fail.If position is beyond the end of input or if thecharacter at position is neither a U+0054 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T character(T) nor a U+0020 SPACE character, then fail. Otherwise, move positionforwards one character.to obtain hour, minute, and second. If this returns nothing, then fail.If position is beyond the end of input, thenfail.to obtain timezone hours and timezone minutes. If thisreturns nothing, then fail.If position is not beyond the end of input, then fail.Let time be the moment in time at year year, monthmonth, day day, hours hour, minuteminute, second second, subtracting timezone hours hours and timezone minutes minutes. That moment in time is a moment in the UTC timezone.Let timezone be timezone hourshours and timezone minutes minutes from UTC.Return time and timezone. WeeksA week consists of a week-year number and a week numberrepresenting a seven-day period starting on a Monday.

Each week-year in this calendaring systemhas either 52 or 53 such seven-day periods, as defined below. The seven-day period starting on theGregorian date Monday December 29th 1969 (1969-12-29) is defined as week number 1 in week-year1970. Consecutive weeks are numbered sequentially. The week before the number 1 week in aweek-year is the last week in the previous week-year, and vice versa.A week-year with a number year has 53 weeks if it corresponds to either ayear year in the that has a Thursdayas its first day (January 1st), or a year year in the that has a Wednesday as its first day (January 1st) and where year is a number divisible by 400, or a number divisible by 4 but not by 100. Allother week-years have 52 weeks.The week number of the last day of a week-year with 53 weeks is 53; the week numberof the last day of a week-year with 52 weeks is 52.The week-year number of a particular day can be different than the number of theyear that contains that day in the.

MDNChrome Yes Chrome Android Yes Edge Yes Edge Mobile? Firefox Yes Firefox Android Yes Internet Explorer Yes Opera Yes Opera Android Yes Safari Yes Safari iOS Yes Samsung Internet Yes WebView Android Yes 2.6.4 CORS settings attributesA CORS settings attribute is an.

The followingtable lists the keywords and states for the attribute — the keywords in the left column mapto the states in the cell in the second column on the same row as the keyword. KeywordStateBrief descriptionanonymous Anonymous for the element will have their set to ' cors' and their set to ' same-origin'.use-credentials Use Credentials for the element will have their set to ' cors' and their set to ' include'.The empty string is also a valid keyword, and maps to the state. The attribute's is the state. For thepurposes of, the canonical case for the state is the keyword. The, used when the attribute is omitted, is the NoCORS state.The majority of fetches governed by will be done via the algorithm.For, certain have been repurposed to have a slightly differentmeaning, wherein they only impact the 's (since the is always ' cors').

To performthis translation, we define the module script credentials mode for a given to be determined by switching on the attribute's state: ' same-origin' ' include' 2.6.5 Referrer policy attributesA referrer policy attribute is an.Each, including the empty string, is a keyword for this attribute,mapping to a state of the same name.The attribute's and are both the empty string state.The impact of these states on the processing model of various is defined in more detail throughout this specification, inFetch, and in Referrer Policy. MDNChrome 61+ Chrome Android 61+ Edge No Edge Mobile?

Firefox No Firefox Android No Internet Explorer No Opera Yes Opera Android Yes Safari? Samsung Internet? WebView Android 61+A nonce content attribute represents a cryptographic nonce('number used once') which can be used by Content Security Policy to determinewhether or not a given fetch will be allowed to proceed. The value is text.Elements that have a content attribute ensure that thecrytographic nonce is only exposed to script (and not to side-channels like CSS attributeselectors) by extracting the value from the content attribute, moving it into an internal slotnamed CryptographicNonce, and exposing it to script via theinterface mixin. Unless otherwise specified, the slot's valueis the empty string. NonceReturns the value of the element's internal slot.Can be set, to update that slot's value.The nonce IDLattribute must, on getting, return the value of this element's; and on setting, set this element'sto the given value.Note how the setter for the IDL attribute does not update the correspondingcontent attribute. This, as well as the below setting of the content attribute to the empty string when an element, is meant to prevent exfiltration of the noncevalue through mechanisms that can easily read content attributes, such as selectors.